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.Hermes halted in front of him, and spoke for the first time.His voice was huge, remote, aloof."Give it me.That Sword that you are holding.""Never.It is mine by right:" The words were barely understandable, but Doon managed to get them out.He was shaking almost as badly as Ben had been, as Mark's knees still were.Shaking with what must have been fear, compounded by anger and helplessness.The deity deigned to speak to him once more."I suppose you're going to argue that you've been using it properly, unlike some of the others.In accordance with the game.Well, perhaps you have.But that no longer matters.""I am.I have.It's mine, it's mine."The god reached out impatiently.Doon struck at him.The stroke would have been a killing blow against a human, but appeared now as no more than some child's petulant protest against authority.Then the Sword was in the hand of HermesMessenger, who with a flick of his staff, more a gesture than anything else, stretched Doon out on the floor of the cave.The man lay there in agony, crying with pain and frustrated rage."Unseemly pride," the god remarked, sliding Wayfinder into a sheath."In one as mortal as yourself."The only human being standing now was Markand why he should be standing was something that he hardly knew himself, though it was costing him a tremendous effort.He could see that the great wizard Mitspieler was down on his face in the sand.Doon sprawled, groaning.Ariane was somewhere out of sight.Ben was sitting up, but with his face still buried in his hands.And Mark was thinking: This is what my father had to face, some small part of what he endured, when Vulcan took him to help create the Swords.Always until now Mark had felt for his father some faint buried touch of shame, for the implied Page 116ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlweakness, for Jord's letting himselfbe used, letting his right arm be taken.But no more.Now Mark had some idea, some appreciation of what Jord must have felt.Only a moment had passed since Hermes had last spoken.But something else was happening now, a new.presence was announcing itself.Just as light had spread throughout the cave upon Hermes' entrance, so now it was with shade.The wizard Mitspieler, sensing the new presence, raised his head, and the beam from his headlamp was -engulfed and blotted out by the intensity of shadow gathering inside the unguarded door.Mark, still on his feet, could see the dim form of the newcomer, roughly human, standing within the pall of blackness.The voice issuing from the shadowed manlike face was strangely reverberant; it seemed to swell up out of the rocks, out of the earth itself."The underworld is my domain.What are you doing here, Hermes Messenger? What is there in my world that you seek to change?"Hermes Messenger did not appear to be disturbed."I am collecting Swords-as you ought to realize, Hades.I am going about the business of the gods.""What gods?""Why, all of us.You too.All of us who know what's going on, at least.I only carry out the gods' collective will.""Hah!" The sound was more like a stony impact than a syllable of speech."Since when have all of us agreed to that extent on anything? Say rather that you are determined to cheat in the game.That's how I interpret your behavior."Hermes stood up very tall.It seemed to Mark that the ceiling of the cave must be bending a little to make room for his head."The game has been-suspended.At least for the time being.There are certain dangers in it that at first were not fully appreciated:""Oh, has it, indeed? By whose decision?".Now both gods, as if by common agreement, were starting to move toward the low cave exit, as if their argument would be better carried out elsewhere.Hades was already stooping his tall figure to go out.But Hermes paused, arrested by the sight of Doon still moaning at his feet.He prodded the helpless form with the end of his great staff."Well, man, what treatment shall I give your pride before I go? Perhaps I'll give you a loadbeast's head to wear from now on.What say you to that idea? Hey? Answer me!"Hades at the doorway was bored by this distraction, and stood waiting for it to be over."No-no, don't.Spare me ,.please:' Doon's voice was almost inaudible, and almost unrecognizable, too.Hades in his impatience grumbled something, in a bass voice pitched too low for Mark to understand.Hermes on hearing it forgot his human toy, and both gods went on out of the cave.Just as they emerged into the corridor outside, Mark heard the sound of the demon out there again.Hades spoke again, and then did something; and Dactylartha fled, yapping and bounding like a kicked cur.And with that the gods were gone.Inside the cave the humans were stirring, shakily, as if each and all of them were trying to recover from an illness.Even as others were getting to their feet, Mark sat down, his knees suddenly shakier than before.Why, he realized, Ihave just looked upon the face of Pluto himself.and here I am.Mitspieler, or Indosuaros, one of them, told us once that no man can do that and live.And here I am.Mechanically he picked up hi: quiver and slung it on his back.He picked up his bow What was he going to do with it now?When Doon sat up, the first thing he did was to look around him suspiciously, Page 117ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlto see who might have been a witness to his weakness.Mark noticed this vaguely but his own thoughts were elsewhere.Dmitry had emerged from hiding, and was calling out all demons and gods to witness that Daghur was dead."Look at that, a rock got him, it looks like.Who uses a sling?" All Mark could see of Daghur was a limp arm asDmitry raised it.Ben was calling out too, calling for help, from where he stood bending over Ariane [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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