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.In his prime, Casimir had been a famous fighter.He was still a strong man,but so overgrown with fat that he had to be lifted onto his horse.But hisbrain was not fat, and the fiery recklessness of his youth had given way to anuncommonly logical pragmatism.He was not yet forty and, given a reasonablelife span, might have ruled much more thanPoland, had not Kazi come into the picture.He stood in a robe of bleachedlinen embroidered with gold thread, and a light golden circlet sat on hisbrown hair.One fat hand wearing a huge signet ring rested casually on thegolden haft of a dagger, a sign of authority.Jan Reszke, his chief counselor, contrasted sharply.A gangling stork of aman, his two meters of height made him one of the tallest men in Europe, buthe weighed much less than Casimir.As they neared the king, the knight barred their way with his drawn sword."Who are you and what do you want?" the king asked in Anglic, although he'dalready been told."I am Nils J�rnhann, warrior of theSvear, recently in service to King Janos of Hungary.My friends are from Janos' guard."I have visited the court of Baalzebub, fought in his arena, and seen hisvileness.My greatest feat was escaping alive.166"I've been told that you're sending an army against Baalzebub and would sendanother except for the northmen landing on your shore."Word was to be sent to the tribes that Iam coming.Baalzebub's land is broad and rich.I've come to lead the tribesagainst him, and when he's destroyed, we'll take his land." Nils folded histhick, sinewy arms across his chest and looked calmly at the king, his speechfinished."And why should I believe you can do that?" Casimir asked."You're not damaged if I fail and a lot better off if I succeed.""You mistake my meaning, barbarian,"Casimir said, "or misuse it, more likely, if what Isuspect of you is true.Never mind.Most likely you'll have a chance to proveyourself."Nils shot a question to Jan Reszke."Yes," Reszke thought back, "he knows-has known for years.He deduced psiwithout ever having heard of it, from listening to my council and consideringthe possible sources of my knowledge.Since then I've shown him the tuner."Casimir glanced from one psi to the other, his narrow, full-lipped mouthamused in the gold-streaked brown beard, then spoke in Anglic."Guard Master!" The surly knight stepped forward hopefully, sword still in hishand."Jan Reszke and Iwill confer privately with the northman.I don't want to be disturbed unlessthere is an emergency.Meanwhile, see to the comfort of these two knights."Page 69 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlCasimir gestured toward the Belas."They have ridden hundreds of kilometers inhaste, and I doubt they've had a proper meal in days.When they're refreshed,quarter them with my household knights.167And Stefan," he added, gesturing toward Nils with his head, "you have calledthe barbarians a pack of wolves.Don't curse the wolves 'til we see who theybite."They entered the royal tent and Casimir lowered himself onto a cushioned seat,gesturing toward two seats facing his."Sit there.I want to see your faceswhile we talk.I'll ask again the question that you didn't answer when I askedbefore.Why should I believe the northmen will follow you?And why should I believe they will fight Baalzebub ifI let them out? And finally, why should I believe they can make a difference,as few as they are?"Nils looked squarely back at him."The tribes elect their leaders.Chiefs arechosen by all free men for their wisdom and justice.Raid leaders are chosenfrom among the warriors, by the warriors, for imagination and cunning.Warchiefs are selected from among the raid leaders."Now the tribes are migrating, and Iknow something about the world they are entering-much more than almost any ofthem.They have no doubtselected a war chief already, but they'll listen carefully to anyone withexperience here.Also, you have guessed what I am and know the advantage itgives me."And finally, I expect to go to them with your oath that you will let thempass untroubled if they in turn give their oath to join you againstBaalzebub.And if they give it, they'll keep it.Besides that, I will tell them truthfully that if they don't fight him nowwith powerful allies, they will have to fight him later with little help andless hope."As for their value as allies-haven't some of168your people fought them? Why did you bring this army here instead of a smallforce? When all the warriors have landed, there should be two thousand of themor more.And if you chose ten of them blindly, by lot, you couldn't match themwith your ten champions.Our freeholders will fight too, if needed.They areskilled bowmen and familiar with swords."If you furnish them ships, they will surely ally themselves with you, andthey could be landed faster and be ready to move sooner.""All right," said Casimir."You sound as if you might pull it off at that.Janhas already made a strong case for you, and if I didn't respect his judgement,I wouldn't keep him around.Besides, when things are bad enough, one doesthings he might not do otherwise.As for ships, I've already furnished someunwittingly, but I can send more.I'll order them landed to take on guidesfrom among your pepple.But see to it that they are met peacefully and thecrews well treated.If you fail me in that, Iwill see you all dead [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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