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. What can explain such things, asked Hurtha. I do not know, I said. I am uneasy. I think we should go on, said a man, another refugee with us. If we arecaught here we may be taken for loiterers, or spies. That is true, I granted him.I then looked back at Feiqa, the former Lady Charlotte of Samnium.She wore abrief slave tunic, with a neckline that plunged to her belly.The soft,interior curvatures of her breasts could be seen within the opening of thegarment.This is suitable for women who areonly slaves.I considered her.She was lovely.I went to stand near her, thecamp and the walls of Torcadino behind her.I put my hands within her (pg.224) garment.She looked up at me.My touch was gentle.The straps of my pack, which she bore for me, were wetand hot on her shoulders.There were bands of sweat beneath the straps, andbeneath them, too, the tunic was wet and wrinkled.Some of the wrinkles wouldleave a mark on her skin for a time.Her breasts felt interesting, warm, full,moist with sweat.She had a collar locked on her neck.She was mine. Let us go, said Boabissia. Tonight, I said,  we will have to get you cleaned up.Your body is sweaty.Your feet are dirty.Page 119 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Yes, Master, she said, pressing herself softly, purring, like the small,sweet owned beast she was, against my hands.I put down my head and let herlift her lips to mine, where they briefly met. Ah, she said, softly.Then Ilifted my head away from her.I removed my hands from her.I drew then thesides of her tunic back to their original position.I held her then by theupper arms.My grip was tight.She could not think of freeing herself. Youare a slave, are you not? I asked. Yes, Master, she said,  totally, and yours, completely!I turned her about, facing the camp, with Torcadino in the distance. Do you think you have the favor of your master? I asked. It is my fervent hope that I do, she said. Do you see that area? I asked, pointing. Yes, Master, she said. Speak, I said. It is the enclosure of camp girls, she said. Yes, I said. Do you recall a girl there, I asked,  one who had not beenfully pleasing last night to a rent master? Yes, Master, she said. What was done to her? I asked. She was whipped, mercilessly, she said. Tonight, I said,  you will serve me. Yes, Master, she said. What will be done to you, if you are not fully pleasing? I asked. I will be whipped, mercilessly, she said.(pg.225)  Do you object? I asked. No, Master, she said. I would have it no other way,I then stepped away from her, and rejoined the others. That is the Treasure Road, I said, indicating a narrow road in the distance. At its end lies Ar. Let us be on our way, said Boabissia. I am eager to reach Ar.I glanced back once at Feiqa.She smiled.She was very beautiful.I would lookforward to having her tonight.I was confident she would prove to be fullypleasing.If she were not, of course, I would whip her, and well.One cannotcompromise with female slaves, They are women.We began to descend from the crest of the slope, making our way slowly towardthe road.Most of the refugees were already there, or in its vicinity.In mysheath were the letters of safety, and, below them, thrust down beneath them,the letters given to me by the officer, he who was now the master ofTorcadino.These letters, all, bore his signature.The signature was writtenin an ascendant, bold script.It was not difficult to read.It was  DietrichofTarnburg. I noticed the small fellow with narrow eyes, he with the mustachelike string, nearby.He had apparently lagged behind.I did not give this muchthought at the time.(pg.226)17 Slavery Agrees with Feiqa Papers, papers? inquired the soldier. Have you papers?  No, I said.I didnot think it would be wise to advertise my possession of letters of safetyuntil it should prove impossible to proceed further without them.He then went to others, making the same inquiry.None of the refugees, ofcourse, carried such papers.We were in a roadside camp, eleven days from Torcadino.It was not a bad camp.There was shade, and a spring nearby.Peasants came there to sell produce.Ina few EhnBoabissia, Hurtha and I, and Feiqa, would be again on our way.I had purchasedpassage on a fee cart. It is good to see a uniform of Ar, said a man. Yes, I said.Page 120 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Does one need papers? the small fellow with the mustache like string wasasking a soldier.The soldier did not respond to him. Can one enter Ar without them? he asked.But the soldier had then continued on his way.Boabissia came up to see me. I have spoken to the driver, she said. He isready to leave. Many of the refugees, afoot, had already left the camp.I nodded. You are looking pretty, Feiqa, observed Boabissia, somewhat critically.Feiqa looked up smiling from where she knelt, packing my things. Thank you,beautiful Mistress, she said, and then put down her head. Slavery apparently agrees with you, slut, said Boabissia.(pg.227)  Yes, Mistress.Thank you, Mistress, said Feiqa, smiling, lookingdown. Cart Seventeen will leave in two Ehn! called a fellow. That is our car, said Boabissia. We had better get Hurtha, I said. He is still asleep, she said. Awaken him, I said. He can sleep in the cart. Finish that packing, slut, said Boabissia to Feiqa. Yes, Mistress! she said.Boabissia then went to waken Hurtha.I did not envy her this task.It was notalways easy to awaken the Alar giant. I am ready, Master, said Feiqa, smiling, shouldering my pack.I went to Feiqa and put my hands on the collar on her throat.She looked up atme, eagerly. Apparently slavery does agree with you, I said, looking into her eyes. Oh, yes, Master, she whispered. Yes, yes! (pg.228)18 The Treasure Road Way! Make way! called the driver.He sat on the wagon box, some yard or sobelow, and separated from, the high railed wagon bed, serving, with itsbenches, as the passenger area.The wheels of the cart were narrow, and someseven feet in height.There were two of them.They were treaded with strips ofmetal.The cart was drawn by a bipedalian tharlarion, a slighter breed than,but related to, and swifter than, the common shock tharlarion used generallyby the lancers of the Gorean heavy cavalry. Rich tarsks, snarled a fellow on the road, moving to the side. Make way! called the driver, cracking his whip.The arrival of the cart wasannounced as well by the jangling of two bells, affixed to projections on itssides, before the wheels.Then we were through the group of refugees, andmoving swiftly again. I think little treasure moves these days upon this road, said Hurtha. You are doubtless right, I said,  and the traffic, it seems, flows towardAr. Will the Cosians take this route? asked Hurtha. Probably, I said. It is the most direct route between Torcadino and Ar.I glanced at Boabissia.She was standing at the front of the cart, graspingthe front rail, looking forward [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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