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.Thus it is as likely to tell a clientthat she will live to a ripe old age as it is that she has three cats and a dog.Very littlework has been done to find out what type of information or advice is most likely toconvince the client of their paranormal origin, but it is not necessarily the most specific orimprobable items.Richards (1990) illustrates this when he statesA reading might contain the evidential statement that, "You have a husband witha glass eye", but the value derived from the reading is assigned by the client tostatements like, "You need to relax more at home and communicate moreeffectively with your husband." (p.278).This account of the pseudopsychic reading draws attention to the fact that all theinformation emanates from the client in one way or another, making it very unlikely thatshe will be presented with material that is particularly new or surprising to her.It isunlikely, then, that the primary reason for the success of many psychic readings is thepsychic or predictive function, and it is suggested that the primary role may be as atherapeutic, quasi-counselling event.ReferencesArgyle, M.(1988).Bodily communication.(2nd edition).London: MethuenBartlett, F.C.(1932).Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.Bransford, J.D.& Johnson, M.K.(1972).Contextual prerequisites for understanding someinvestigations of comprehension and recall.Journal of Verbal Learning and VerbalBehaviour, 11, 717-726.Brunner, L.J.(1979).Smiles can be back channels.Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology, 37, 728-734.Bull, P.(1987).Posture and gesture.Oxford: pergamon.Cain, R.(1991).The Secret to Reading Cards and Clients.Albuquerque: Flora &CompanyCooper, W.H.(1981).Ubiquitous halo.Psychological Bulletin, 90, 218-244.Corinda, T.(1984).13 Steps to Mentalism.(2nd edition).Bideford, Devon: The Supreme MagicCo.Ltd. 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