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.He bandaged it tight to stop the bleeding and helped her toher chamber, calling for her maid."Now look what you've done," said Simon."Me?" asked William."You brought on this stupid duel." He stopped."Do youthink she will lose the hand?""No," Simon said."Lilith will cure it.I have seen this before.""I don't understand why the sword didn't take her hand right off," saidWilliam.Simon was about to hit the man when he realised that William was deeplyupset."Honestly," said Simon."She will recover.You saw her fight."William had put those events of that night into a compartment of his brainthat he preferred to keep closed.Now he had to open it.Packenham had thrownher across the square into a wall.William himself had been sore for a weekwhen Packenham had but elbowed him but Lucy was dancing only hours later afterreceiving a much worse blow.He really did not want to think about that.Simon took his sword and thrust it into the earth, point first.What he wasabout to do next burned his soul but Lucy's needs came first.He held out hishand to William."Captain Hawkins, I know you to be no coward but a gallantgentleman.Please accept my apology for false words spoken in anger."William took his hand."I accept gladly, sir.We have shed each other's bloodand the matter of honour between us is closed.We shall not speak of it again."What did Lady Dennys mean by your promise to her?" Curious, William asked."I promised," said Simon, quietly and carefully, "to kill her with my ownhand rather than see her burn.She is frightened of the fire.""To kill her?Are you mad? Why should anyone burn her just because she does alittle magic? She is Walsingham's niece.""Lucy isn't a witch," said Simon."She's possessed, you fool.Didn't younotice? What do you think Lilith is?""When you said Lilith, I thought you meant her herb-woman," said William."Lilith is a demon.You watched Lucy and Packenham fight in the mundanesphere.In the Other World, whatever demon was in him fought Lilith and Lilithproved the stronger.""Possessed, is she? Poor little girl," said William."But the cross didn'thurt her." He mulled this over.William decided this was an opportune to clear up another issue."What areyour intentions to Lady Dennys?" William said to Simon."Intentions?" asked Simon, genuinely baffled."You and she are close.Do you seek her hand?" asked William."My father was a clerk, as was his father before him.What you suggest isimpossible.I have known Lucy since she was but a small child.I love her likePage 160 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmla sister." Simon was not being entirely honest about his feelings but he spoketruly about his intentions."Then you and I must be friends, Master Tunstall." William slipped his arminside Simon's."For I intend to win her as my wife.I could not determine howsuch an enterprise might be done but now I see clearly.I shall free her ofthe demon and Walsingham will give her to me in gratitude.Come, MasterTunstall, tell me all you know."Behind them, two of the lions snarled and spat at each other."Mad, quite mad," said Simon, but he followed anyway.Act 14The Safe HouseWalsingham chaired the meeting as usual.Simon attended to take notes andWilliam to represent the enforcement end of the operation.Pooley was thestar, though, Pooley and his watcher teams.The spy handed Walsingham everyaddress visited by Ridolphi."Let me see," said Walsingham."He spends a great deal of time at the SpanishEmbassy.Hmmm.I see we have the usual list of suspects.He has been passingmoney around Catholic sympathisers.Make a note of the names, Tunstall.Wewill mount a series of raids after the next batch of Jesuits arrive.I suspectthat we may pick up a few hiding at these addresses.Of course, the Spanishsecret service would not use any of these people.Too obvious.""What are we looking for?" asked William, fascinated.Secret servicemethodology was a new experience."A safe house for the plotters.De Mendoza will use an innocuous address thathas no obvious links with known English Catholic families or the Spanishthemselves," said Walsingham."I see Ridolphi visits Madame Bouvier's hostelfor young ladies at regular intervals.I wonder what His Holiness would sayabout that."Simon and Pooley laughed; William looked baffled."It's a French brothel," Simon whispered in William's ear."Now this is more promising, a previously unknown address,the White Hartboarding house.Where would that be, Pooley?""It's a run-down area up in the south-central region belowWatling Street ,"said Pooley."No access to the city wall or the river then?" Walsingham said."No, sir," confirmed Pooley."Useless for de Mendoza's purpose then.He needs a location suitable forgetting his agents in and out of the city at night.Ridolphi visited adeserted house on four occasions.Stink Lane , where is that?""BelowThames Street , sir," said Pooley."On the river?"Page 161 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Yes sir, adjoining Billingsgate Dock," said Pooley."Easy access to the river and from there to anywhere in the world," saidWalsingham."Well done, Pooley, I think you have found a safe house.So howare you going to raid it, Captain?""What are my exact objectives?" asked William.He felt on firm ground nowthey had a military enterprise to discuss.Walsingham ticked them off on his fingers."I want the place secured.I wantany documents and other objects in perfect condition.They will have aweighted bag handy to dump sensitive material in theThames.I want everybodyin there taken, preferably alive.I want it done quietly so I can set up atrap in the house to pick up morsels, before the Spanish realise that theirsafe house is blown.""That won't be easy," said William."If it was easy then I wouldn't have had to call on one of John Hawkin's bestmen to arrange the enterprise, would I, Captain?Hmmm? Drake isn't available soI have you instead." Walsingham put his hands together as if in prayer.William flushed with pleasure [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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