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.The Daoists have three different heavens.There is no hell.This goes allthe way back to the Dao De Jing, Lao Zi (Lao Tzu), what is considered to be theclassic of early Daoist texts.Written about 400 B.C., it talks about the Daogiving birth to the one.This is in verse 42, if you check any translation of it, it willhave something like this: The Dao (or the unknown) gives birth to the one,one gives birth to the two,two gives birth to the threethree gives birth to the ten thousand things (or the myriad things).I translate this cosmologically as: The Dao gives birth to unity,Unity gives birth to the polarity,Polarity gives birth to trinity,The trinity gives birth to the ten thousand things.What does this mean? This short phrase, one of eighty one verses in theDao De Jing, has been accepted almost universally by all the different branchesof Daoism, all the different sects over thousands of years, as the foundation ofDaoist cosmology.Also many Buddhist and Confucian thinkers accepted it aswell. You have to understand that in china, the term Dao is an umbrella term,so even though there are many different schools of thinking, the legalists, theConfucians, the naturalists, you have various schools of Buddhism all coming inat different historical periods.Many of them, most of them accepted the Dao asthe umbrella, as some sort of mysterious goal.Confucius would also talk aboutthe Dao, but he was more concerned about, say the Dao of human society.TheDaoists such as Zhuang Zi and Lao Zi, would mostly talk about the Dao of thewhole, of nature.Nature of course includes human society, they are notexcluding humanity from that.It is important to understand that there is a whole developed cosmology,of what this means to go from none to one to two to three and into the madnessof creation, the multiplicity of the many.This gives you a pathway to understandthe progression of the one to the many.Here we are in a room, there are manyof us, yet on some level we all know that there is only one humanity, that there issome sort of global psyche, or perhaps even a global soul.Somehow all of thehuman minds are connected.What causes us to think that there are only the many separate humanminds, instead of just one? Because we all have internally an invisible pathwayinside of ourselves, which links us to the collective mind, the unity mind.But thisconnection is obscured by the busyness, and the distraction of all the sensorythings that are happening.Beyond the unity of the collective mind, deep inside our core, there is theunknown.This kind of inner black hole is called the Wu Ji.Sometimes spelledwu chi, but it is not Qi, as in energy, it is Wu Ji, and it means Supreme Unknownor Supreme Mystery.That is like the womb of the Dao, there is this whole, thisunknowable whole, and it births itself out through the void.But it is not really avoid, or a black hole, it is the profound womb space from which we continuallybirth ourselves and the cosmos.Daoism is essentially feminine, the language and terminology favors thefeminine.It talks about birthing, and the Dao as the mother.It is different thanmany of the western religions that are focused on the fire, and say that the fatheris first, father, father, father.This is essentially saying that something is birthingthings here, something is birthing creation, and birthing is essentially anandrogynous act, it is either male or female, but later on that is physicallyappropriated by the female side, but we are going to get to that.So these three forces all were birthed out, and there is this single firstcircle here, and that is called primordial heaven, HunTun.This is the state ofprimordial unity, as well as primordial chaos.Why do I always say chaos? If we,just to take this room here, if everybody s minds here merged into one, which iswhat perennial philosophies, and most of the major religions are saying,  we reall one.What would it be like? It would be chaos, it means that I couldn t tell thedifference between your thoughts and my thoughts, my body and your body.Youwouldn t know the difference.If you are able to make distinctions between yourself and another being,you are no longer one.Merging everything into one with no distinctions means chaos.Chaos is not a bad word, it has gotten a dirty name a little bit, associatedwith political chaos and other things like that.Now there is a new chaos theory, itis touching on what the ancient Daoists said, is that unity, that chaos is like aprimordial soup, everything is blended together, and it hasn t distinguished itselfout yet, but all the ingredients are there that could emerge.What are the ingredients in that primordial realm that could emerge?Yuan Qi, Yuan Shen and Yuan Jing.Original energy, original intelligence (theShen), and Yuan Jing, the original essence or substance.So think of it as acosmic egg, and the yolk or the whites are all mixed together in there, it hasn tseparated itself out, but the possibilities are there [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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