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.His hand cupped the back of her head, tangling in the thick fall of golden curls, and he pressed her to his heart.Closing his eyes, he swallowed, trying to steady his breathing.It wasn’t supposed to be like this.He was supposed to be in control.His plan.his damn plan depended upon gaining what information she had.Seduction was the only way open to him.It should be fairly easy.He was no fool.His effect on her would be obvious to any but a green boy.which he definitely was not.He had to no more than touch her to spark her reaction.But what he hadn’t counted on was the way she drew him into the web of passion.The visit to his cabin was calculated.A moment of togetherness after two weeks of holding himself at bay—a fortnight of watching her and wanting her.The kiss was an afterthought.Or perhaps it was the moment he first lost control.Regardless, the impact of his desire hit him instantly, like a squall on a calm afternoon.Within seconds of touching her, all thoughts except having her fled his mind.It was not his usual way of dealing with women.But he found nothing about Merideth Banistar was usual.Leaning back, he separated her from the front of his shirt.Her reluctance to leave caused a tightening in his chest.When he gazed into her guileless blue eyes, he found them shiny as crystals with unshed tears.“I don’t want this,” she whispered, her words a soft feathering of air on his chin.“Don’t you?” His fingers bracketed her face, his thumb catching the tear that finally slipped through the gold-tipped lashes to start a path down her soft cheek.“I think this is the one thing you do want.The one thing we both want.”“Nooo.” Merideth shook her head.His hands loosened, allowing her freedom, but he bent his head, catching her lips with his.‘Twas but a slight brushing, but the contact sparked an eruption of emotion.“Aye, Merideth,” was all he said before scooping her up.Her hair, now loose from its ribbon, fell over one arm, her silk skirts over the other.He shifted, bringing her face closer to his.They shared a breath, a soul-shattering moment of anticipation; then she lifted her mouth to his.The kiss was deep and long, and went unbroken as he carried her across the cabin to his wooden-sided bunk.Even as he lowered her onto the mattress, following her until he rested in the cradle of her body, he continued the kiss.Only a need for air, and to taste the rest of her, broke the fusion.Her throat was soft, sweet smelling and sensitive to his touch.She arched, throwing her head back to give him better access as he trailed a line of kisses down the slender column.His tongue wet the flutter of pulse, sending the rhythm off kilter.“God, Merideth, you taste so good.” With his mouth Jared followed the velvet stream of ribbon that led to the locket nestled between her breasts.Ignoring the silken fabric molded to her flesh, Jared nipped and suckled till she wiggled and writhed beneath him.Till she tore at the shirt covering his back, yanking the linen from his breeches and digging her fingers into the crisscrossing cords of muscle.“How?” he breathed, fumbling with the fasteners on her stomacher.God, he should have undressed her before he tumbled them both onto the bunk.Now all their efforts were frustrated by their reluctant inability to let go of each other.Jared’s teeth and whiskered chin grazed her shoulder as he managed to rid her of the gown’s bodice.Now only the fine gauze of her chemise covered her breasts.The thin silk couldn’t disguise her rosy nipples, puckered berry hard, nor the distended centers that beckoned to his mouth.Merideth lifted her buttocks off the bed as he dragged the tangle of skirts and petticoats from her body.He shifted to the side enough to peel clocked hose down the slender calves, lingering a moment to follow the graceful curve of her instep before tossing the silk to the cabin’s wooden deck.Then with a flick of the drawstring, the shift’s neck widened, enabling him to skim it down her ribs, over her hips, and further.She lay before him, her body covered by nothing but the flush of sexual arousal.He touched her, his long, slender fingers splaying across her stomach from hipbone to hipbone, and Merideth closed her eyes and moaned.When the heel of his palm inched lower she shamelessly spread her legs, allowing him entrance to her heated core.But it wasn’t his hand that nuzzled between her thighs.A sweep of his midnight hair tightened her muscles, sending them into spasms that flowed and concentrated in the heart of her femininity as his tongue probed, stimulating the sensitive kernel of flesh.The climax that shook her was so sharp, so carnal, that a scream escaped as wave upon wave of sensual delight spread through her body.Her head twisted to the side and her eyes closed, but the bright celebration of colors continued, each vision brighter than the one before.Before the swells subsided, he slid up her body.Somehow he’d shed his breeches, for the smooth tip of his manhood, hot as a poker, pressed inside her.Merideth’s body stretched to accept the size and strength of him.She raised her knees, twining her legs around his slim hips, and waited for the rhythmic power of his mating to commence.But he was still.Her lashes lifted and she gazed into his eyes, smoky and dark with passion.The skin was tight across his straight blade of nose.And his mouth was full and beautiful [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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