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. They truly appreci-ate sex.In due course Kerena formally introduced Molly, and lent her the bodybriefly.Then it was time to explore the ghostly aspects. Lilah said she kneweverything, but I m not sure she did, Kerena said. How much do ghostsknow of Night? Depends on the ghost, Molly said. I tried to learn things in order topursue vengeance, but found mostly interesting by-paths like the Carnivalof Ghosts.I could introduce you to more knowledgeable ghosts, I suppose. That may help.But I d rather start without them, because of the trustissue. Lilah was one of the worst choices, but any ghost will try to take yourbody, Molly agreed. I would be tempted, if I weren t your friend. Which is why I sought you.But I ll try to make it worth your while.What do you want, apart from vengeance? To have a living body, of course.But  What about someone else s body? If we could find a girl who doesn twant to live, so you could take over? Depends on the body, but yes, I d like that. Now what s this carnival you mentioned? The Carnival of Ghosts.That s a regular event, where we all get togetherfor fun.We dance, have contests, make love, see sideshows, tour time  Tour time? Ghosts aren t limited the way mortals are.We can go where we want. To the future? Yes, but I don t do that; it makes me dizzy.There are so many alter-nates, I m afraid I ll get lost.The future really isn t fixed, so what you seethere may not actually happen if you don t stay on the right timeline.I preferto visit the past, which is fixed.Jolie found this interesting.She knew it, of course, but had thoughtsuch awareness was a more recent thing.Evidently not.And of course even the past was malleable, if touched by a visitor from a divergent timeline.Shehad not said anything about this to Kerena, lest that make the lines diverge,but now that a person of this timeline had done so, it was all right. I want two things, Kerena said. To save my son, now my grandson,from the taint I inadvertently put on him, and to have vengeance against allthe Incarnations of Day for not helping me accomplish that.Maybe a visit tothe future could show me weaknesses they will have, that I could exploit.Butif I can t be sure that what I see will really happen, that won t help.Still, ifthe past can t be changed, that doesn t help either. Vengeance against the Incarnations! I think that s impossible.I didn teven know of them until after I died, but now I know they are untouchable.They wield powers beyond those of any mortal magician, and can destroymortals at whim.If Fate cuts your thread, or Death takes your soul  I ll risk it, Kerena said grimly. They are arrogant and uncaring, anddeserve to be dispatched. Maybe so.Still, how can you hope to accomplish any such thing? I was able to locate them using powers I have developed as a mortaland as a vampire.If I can tame the powers of Night, I should be able to domuch more.Those powers should match all those of Day.But there seems tobe resistance; something prevents me from approaching those powers.I needto find a way to get around that resistance. Well, its inherent, Molly said. Things don t like to be handled.Aboulder doesn t like to be moved; the wind doesn t like to be balked.Nightdoesn t like to be exposed.Kerena paused, surprised.Could it be that simple? The inertia of forceslong left alone? That had never occurred to her. Could a ghost locate anddefine those powers, even if they are resistive to exposure? I don t know.It s not something I ever thought of doing. This carnival there are many ghosts there? Could I talk with them?To learn if any know what I need? Oh, sure, I could take you there.But they won t necessarily tell you thetruth.Not unless you pay more than you want. Would they tell you the truth? Maybe.I have nothing to be cheated out of. I want to go to the carnival.Can I go? Yes, as my guest.But you would be the only part-mortal there; it couldbe uncomfortable.They would notice, and maybe tease you cruelly. I ll risk it, Kerena said again. CHAPTER 8NIGHTThe Carnival of Ghosts was a wondrous thing.It was set up like a pitchedcamp, with assorted tents of various sizes, barkers at each entrance, andthrongs of ordinary looking folk.Kerena saw the top of some kind of woodenmountain with tracks on it, an oddity.A roller coaster, Jolie thought.They will be invented a thousand years orso hence.Evidently the ghosts are truly timeless, and take their pleasureswherever they find them. They are all ghosts, Molly assured Kerena,  All but you.Don t let themget to you.They approached the main entrance. What s this dung? the ticket mandemanded. We don t let her kind in here. Well, make an exception, pinhead, Molly snapped, floating out fromKerena to assume her full ghost form. She s with me. And how is she going to pay for the ticket, cutie? I ll buy the ticket. No you won t.She has to buy her own. That s not in the rules, you lecherous leech.Kerena caught on to what the ghost wanted: sex with a live woman [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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