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.I would suggest that when an entire episode of waking paralysis is accompanied by vibrations,plus other exit-related sensations, internal energetic mind-split conflicts (most likely caused by thepresence of awake consciousness during the projection process) are stalling the spontaneous-projection mechanism.This is another complication of consciousness.Actual projection may ormay not occur.In this case, attempting to convert waking paralysis into an OBE by relaxing andgoing with the experience, or by using a projection technique to aid it, will have much moresuccess.I have experienced waking-paralysis episodes literally hundreds of times, but have nevermanaged to convert one into an OBE.I have had hundreds of spontaneous projections from thewaking state, or have wakened in the middle of them, but these always result in either a partial orfull OBE.I perceive a marked difference between spontaneous projections and waking-paralysisepisodes.Each feels quite different and, while spontaneous projection is quite acceptable to me, Iabsolutely loathe waking paralysis.I consider spontaneous projection and waking paralysis to be two different sides of the samecoin.Sometimes spontaneous projection is experienced and remembered, but at other times wakingparalysis is experienced and remembered.These are two different aspects of spontaneousprojection, caused by the mind-split effect, providing two totally different experiences.Only oneside of a spontaneous paralysis-cum-projection episode is usually remembered  the side perceivedand remembered by the physical/etheric mind.The other side, that of the projected double, isneither perceived at the time nor remembered after the event.Shadow memories are completely lostbecause of the trauma or excitement waking paralysis always causes.This trauma firmly cementsthe physical/etheric side of the experience into physical memory, totally disallowing any shadowmemories.With certain types of projection, exit symptoms can be extremely mild, often not noticed at all.This is most common with projections involving the brow or crown centers.This indicates naturalclairvoyant potential, often unsuspected.It also means the projector has the potential for high-levelprojections, because clairvoyance and high-level projection are intimately related.It is possible,therefore, that some types of waking paralysis are caused by brow- or crown-center projections inprogress, where the exit has been missed.Fear and dread accompany many waking-paralysis episodes, often with a tangible feeling ofpresence coming from a particular direction.Fear may be caused by mind-split effects combinedwith emotional feedback (fear and anxiety) between the physical/etheric body and its projecteddouble during a real-time projection.Other kinds of projections may also contribute incidences of waking paralysis and spontaneousprojection.There is a strong possibility, for example, that akashic pulse episodes  astral wind may prove to be a major contributing factor in some waking-paralysis episodes.An akashic pulse36 episode could, conceivably, force projection on people who are deeply relaxed, even though theyare technically still wide awake.They could then experience waking paralysis while left awakeinside their physical/etheric mind, until their projected double is released and allowed to reenter andreintegrate after the akashic pulse episode is over.We will look at the akashic pulse in part 5.Related FactorsThe physical/etheric mind on its own does not usually have the power to animate its physicalbody during an OBE.To awaken even partially and restore some degree of physical movement, thereintegration of the physical/etheric with its real-time double appears to be the minimumrequirement.To restore full waking consciousness and functionality, the complete reintegration ofall subtle bodies is required.Another contributing factor may be that the state of energetic development of paralysis sufferersmay not allow conscious-exit projection to occur easily.This creates internal energetic conflicts thatstall the projection mechanism, causing waking paralysis to occur more easily than projection.Early conscious projection exits are usually marked by extremely heavy vibrations, rapidheartbeat, and other heavy energy-movement sensations.These heavy sensations always reduce inseverity during subsequent projections.Logically, there must be a reason for this progressivelessening of sensation.The answer, I think, is that increased energetic development reduces internalenergetic conflicts.Attempts at conscious-exit projection involve a lot of primary-center activity,and a great deal of energy flows throughout the etheric body, which forces some degree of energeticdevelopment to take place.This forced development appears to account for progressively milderexit sensations being experienced during subsequent projections.If you add energetic underdevelopment to potential conflicts caused by mind-split, and take intoconsideration shadow memory download problems and other complications caused by the presenceof waking consciousness, you have a recipe for disaster [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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