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.This feels vaguelybiblical and very nice.Now, you and he may like tocleave, or you can tuck him in with a quilt up to hischest or mid-back, and be a little separate as you haveyour own afterglow and you let him doze or fall asleep.If you swallow, there s no stickiness.However, I knowa lot of women who insist that isn t happening.If so,I recommend you catch the semen in your mouth andeject it in a towel or the sink; otherwise you can havequite a mess from that one to two teaspoons of comeas it squirts everywhere.When you rub and stroke him with a warm towel,study the places his skin leaps to your touch.ultimate guide to oral sex158 UGOS.int 8/24/05 5:46 PM Page 15939Sweet Surrenderelplessness can be exciting.If you want to blow hisHmind, slip a blindfold on him and tell him to lieback and enjoy.Then touch him in unpredictable waysa lick on the chest, a pinch of the inner thigh, a tweak ofthe nipple.Alter your blow job routine so he doesn tknow what s next and he ll be squirming in delight.Before heading into something where he is tied down,make sure he wants to do this, and ask him for a wordthat would let you know that something hurts.Thatway if he does struggle hard against his restraints andpulls a muscle or hurts a wrist or ankle or just plainpanics, you know to stop and free him.If you re think-ing of tying him to something else, or even just tyinghis wrists together, be sure to get safe restraints.Don tuse handcuffs or scarves because if he does pull againstthe restraints at all, he could end up with serioustendon damage.Find some soft rope that s intendedfor bondage, or go to a sex shop and get some saferestraints.You don t have to spend a fortune, but you UGOS.int 8/24/05 5:46 PM Page 160want something that is at least one and a half to twoinches wide, and that won t tighten down or cut intothe skin if he moves around in his excitement.What to tie him to? If you don t have a headboard andfootboard, then you can put a broom or two betweenthe mattress and box spring and tie him to that.Manyrestraints come with long tethers so you can tie themdirectly to something.Once he can t move, you can do anything you want.Tease him, caress him, and then make him crazy withyour skillful pleasuring.Being bound can be quitearousing to some, so don t be surprised if he s morearoused than usual.Be playful and unpredictable, andtry some new ways of touching him.Bring out yourfeather boa, something hot and something cold,something prickly and something soft.Tickle himgently (only if tickling is something that he likes in a no/yes sort of way), then back off altogether andmake him wonder when you re going to touch himnext.The idea is to take advantage of the fact that hecannot control anything, and make that fun andexciting to both of you.By the time you get down tosome serious pleasuring, he ll be so intensely arousedhe might even achieve an altered state of mind!ultimate guide to oral sex160 UGOS.int 8/24/05 5:46 PM Page 16140Sex Toys and Oral Sexe don t instantly think of sex toys with oral sex,Wwhich makes it all the more fascinating.To get itdown just right, I went to a brilliant sexologist, CarolQueen, who has advised at the Good Vibrationscompany for fifteen years.You ll be wowed by Carol sexpertise, and find the possibilities in the sex toy chestan eye-opener.Good Vibrations was founded with amission of education as well as sales.Compared with thegobbledygook written on this subject, we can trulyappreciate Carol s authority and plain speaking.CarolQueen says: There are two easy ways to pep up oral sex by addingtoys.First, you can explore the world of cock rings (onthe Good Vibrations website, search  ring ).There aretwo basic kinds: vibrating rings, which can be positionedanywhere on the shaft, and which vibrate either at onespeed or at varying strengths; and the more traditionalcock ring, which works best when it s positioned beneaththe testicles, right against the body wall. UGOS.int 8/24/05 5:46 PM Page 162 Let me talk about the non-vibrating style first.Thecock ring works something like a tourniquet, though youdon t wear it that tightly.It gives a mild-to-medium-strength squeeze at the very base of the penis, the wayyou could do with your thumb and fingers.This feelsgood to many men, plus it keeps the blood in the penisand makes a man s erection firmer, and may even make itlast longer than usual.Cock rings may also feel a bit likebondage to a guy, which some men like, and others donot.(You can find very bondagey rings with scary namessuch as  Gates of Hell, but these obstruct the shaft of thepenis, and would likely make it harder, not easier, to giveoral sex.) One ring style, the Double Crown, has separatestraps for the testicles.Besides being a bit like bondage aswell, this has a particular physiological effect: becausemen s testicles generally elevate right before ejaculation,this style of ring might prevent a guy from coming assoon as he usually does. Another word about rings and sensation change:most of us know the erection is generated by blood flow-ing into the penis, but it s not as clearly understood thatthe increased blood flow also helps increase sensation.Socock rings can do a great thing; they can help an erectionlast longer and simultaneously encourage heightenedsensation.That s why cock ring fans use them.(Theyused to be in even more common use before Viagra.)ultimate guide to oral sex162 UGOS.int 8/24/05 5:46 PM Page 163 Now, back to rings that vibrate.These were actuallydesigned to give extra clitoral stimulation to a womanduring intercourse.It s like using any vibrator, except thering is connected to the penis rather than held by hand.When the ring is being used primarily for the sensation ofthe man, you can use it at the base, as a no-hands vibrator;you can even use it up toward the corona, which will bemore sensitive to vibration than the lower shaft.(The headof the penis is most comparable to the clitoris, and if clitslove vibrators, cockheads might well love them too!) When you put a vibe up at the coronal ridge andthen perform oral sex, you ll probably lavish pretty muchall your attention on the head; not every woman willwant to stretch her mouth over a buzzing toy. There is a vibrator designed to fit on the tongue,either via a tongue piercing or with a rubber band.Thisis a tiny toy ideally sized to allow more active oral sex,that incorporates vibration.Good Vibes doesn t sell thisparticular product, however.We are concerned that dur-ing the wet, movement-filled activity that is a good blowjob, the tiny vibrator might come off the tongue and posea hazard.(A safer way to do a similar kind of play wouldbe placing a tiny vibrator, like the Itty Bitty vibe, into acondom, and placing the condom over the penis.Notethat you ll be putting your mouth over a buzzing objectmade of hard plastic, so watch your teeth! It might feelsex toys and oral sex163 UGOS.int 8/24/05 5:46 PM Page 164odd to you, but it s likely to feel pretty amazing to him.) You can also use a small, hand-held vibrator to varythe sensations during oral play.Go from mouth, to vibra-tor, and back again.Any hand-held vibrator can be usedthis way, and is a great surprise for many men, since lotsof men think of vibrators as toys that women use, andhave never tried one before. Finally, some men like play with dildos and analplugs, and oral sex that incorporates use of these toys willbe very intense and pleasurable for such men.Note thatevery material besides silicone and non-porous materialslike Lucite will require condom coverage for best resultsand easy cleaning [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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