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.doi:10.4172/2165-784X.1000e105.Studia i materiały 159rather difficult device and it is necessary to be assured, that it unexpectedly willnot be disconnected.Till the latest time reliability ozone equipment left much tobe desired, and low level of automation assumed necessity of use of attendantsconcerning high qualification, however modern ozonizers are reliable enoughand simple in operation that should open it road on the market.Experiment techniquesFor research of solubility of ozone in water and definition of concentration ofozone on height of a column of a liquid the installation represented in Figure 1has been collected.Definition of concentration of ozone inwater spent on GOST 18301-72 Waterdrinking.Methods of definition of themaintenance of residual ozone.Definition Figure 1is based on oxidation by ozone iodid to io-The installation schemedine, which titrate to solutions Na2S2O3.Sensitivity of a method of 0,05 mg O3/l.For processing of results of researchesSamplingused software package S-Plus v6R2 Profes-sional.Ozone generator used in the experi-ment experimental VGO 156.6Romanovski V.I.at all, Research& , op.cit.3 41 2Sampling100AirConcentratiexpenseon of ozoneSampling1 an ozonizer; 2 a pipe; 3 flue; 4 the sampling union.4E500500220 V160 Ekonomia i Zrodowisko 1 (44) " 2013Results and discussionFor today there is a set of various types of ozonizers.The basic directions ofdevelopment of systems of ozonization are search of ways of increase of theirproductivity and decrease in power inputs on ozone manufacture.In the Repu-blic of Belarus was developed new cascade turboozonizer VGO-15 (Figure 2)with high-frequency resonant electroionization the generator of ozone7.Figure 2!ascade turboozonizer VGO-15The one of the purpose of the given work consisted in defi nition of keyparametres developed experimental cascade turboozonizer VGO-15.Parametres after specification:Concentration of ozone (g/m3): The minimum value (at Qmax, C ) 0,320 g/m3;min The maximum value (at Qmax/4, C ) 17,750 g/m3;maxThe expense of gas (l/min): The maximum value (at CO3min) 13,2 l/min; The maximum value (at CO3max) 12,9 l/min;The maximum productivity on ozone 14,0 g/hour.Specific power inputs on manufacture 1 g O3 (Whour/g O3) depending onan ozonizer operating mode are presented in Figure 3.7Patent BY 1991 (2005).Ozone generator./ Dmitriev S.., Kondratiev M.P.2005.06.30.Studia i materiały 161Constructive decisions and the technologies applied in cascade turboozonizer,provide high efficiency and low power consumption, universality of applicationthanks to a cascade set of capacities, low cost of the equipment, installation andmaintenance service, and also high reliability and long service life.Figure 3Specific power inputs on manufacture 1 g O3 (Whour/g O3)depending on an ozonizer operating mode0,253,5Ozonconsumption,71413,2 6,6 3,3Gas mixture consumption,l/min0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-6060-70 70-80Solubility of ozone in water depends on many factors, but first of all fromconcentration of ozone in ozone-oxygen mixes, and also water temperatures (inexperiment water with temperature 17C was used).Ozonization time is de-fined by speed of giving of a mix, volume of ozonized water, a reactor design.In Figures 4 and 5 data on saturation of water by ozone are presented at itsidentical expense in unit of time (14,0 g/hour) and various expenses of a gasmix in a current of 10 and 60 min of processing.162 Ekonomia i Zrodowisko 1 (44) " 2013Figure 4Concentration of ozone in processed water, mg/l, from the expense of a gas mix at the expenseof ozone 14,0 g/hour, and time of processing of 10 minFigure 5Concentration of ozone in processed water, mg/l, from the expense of a gas mix at the expenseof ozone 14,0 g/hour, and time of processing of 60 minFrom drawings it is visible, that on saturation of water by ozone influencesits concentration in a gas mix and a surface of mass exchange, created by airdispersant.The maximum saturation of water is created at 1>;LH59 concentra-tion of ozone in a gas mix (the expense of ozone 14,0 g/hour, the expense ofagas mix of 3,3 l/min) and makes 4,9 mg/l that confirms known laws.Studia i materiały 163In Figures 6 and 7 data on saturation of water by ozone depending on pro-cessing time are presented.Figure 6Concentration of ozone in processed water, mg/l, from processing time at the expenseof ozone 14,0 g/hour, a gas mix 13,2 l/minFigure 7Concentration of ozone in processed water, mg/l, from processing time at the expenseof ozone 14,0 g/hour, a gas mix 3,3 l/min164 Ekonomia i Zrodowisko 1 (44) " 2013Proceeding from the received laws of saturation of water ozone follows, thatat ozonization of a sheet of water dispersant it is necessary to have on certaindistance on height (nearby 5 7 m).Found that saturation of water with ozone affects the concentration in thegas mixture and the surface mass transfer (size of gas bubbles created by air dispersant ).Maximum saturation of water created when a higher concentra-tion of ozone in the gas mixture and lower its costs, increase processing time,which confirms the known laws.At saturation, tap water (temperature 17C) to ozone concentration of 4 mg/l,50% of the decomposition was observed after 40 min.ConclusionsFor effective disinfection or disinfection is necessary to create the ozone con-centration in the water more than 0.05 mg/l8 and to maintain it for a few minu-tes.Ozone can be used for pre-treatment of water in order to convert the disso-lved substances in colloidal form with subsequent deposition on the filter, as ithas the effect of flocculation.According to its bactericidal effects ozone are in3 6 times more effective than ultraviolet radiation and in 400 600 times effec-tive than chlorine.The advantage of ozone is that, ozone disinfection takes place simultane-ously with the discoloration of water and eliminates odors and flavors of waterand generally improve its taste.Ozone does not change the natural properties ofwater as its excess (unreacted ozone) in a few minutes turns into oxygen
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