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.I find it easier to write of the life over here than to givetests concerning earth matters.I am neither a politician nor a prophet.Your world is goingmad for what they think will bring freedom, whereas the chains will be heavier than ever.They are fools, chasing a will-o -the-wisp, for nobody is truly free until he has cast off hisphysical body.The only wisdom is to seek knowledge and truth. From Red Cloud.Pay attention to what I say, for it is a difficult matter to explain in a few words, and to do soproperly would take several hours.Life is in everything  in stone, in water, in plants; lifebut not soul.Life in the raw coming into matter vibrates on a slower basis than the purifiedvibrations of eternal life.The lower plane slowly evolves until it touches that of eternallife; each stage dies out, and the next takes on finer vibrations until the apex of matter isreached in man.All life must evolve to a higher plane, and the lowly animals have nottouched the lower strata of spirituality.The dog is on a higher basis, and often knows the difference between right and wrong.Heimbibes man s vibrations through living with man, for the vibrations intermingle, andthose of man are bound to influence those of the dog.Matter is the stage through which alllife travels after consciousness has been awakened.You who are in matter see so little ofwhat is actually under your noses.The body is not the life; it does not count, and if youwere in an animal body, your yourself would be just as you are now, except that yourmeans of expressing yourself would be limited.This planet will go on for a considerable time yet but when man has become capable ofusing his vibrations to bring out a higher state of existence, matter will automatically dropaway.Then there will be no matter, only spirituality.There is only one Lord and one God:perfection, and what you call the devil is undeveloped matter.Man has absolute free will, you have lived before, and you will go on living.Let us belogical: you are eternal, and so there is no beginning and no ending.Some men and womenlive self-sacrificing lives, while others are brutal, hard, selfish.You cannot explain thesedifferences by the constitution of your physical bodies, for if a man chooses to return to a bad body, he does so of his own free will, so that he may work through it in order to gainexperience.Those who have to fight their environment are given credit in so far as theyhave tried.It is the law that man reaps what he has sown.If you do not eat and drink, yourphysical body will die; that is the law of matter.The spiritual laws are even more perfect,and man is reaping to-day what he has sown in the past.Remember always this law whenyou hear men blaming the Deity for the suffering that exists on your earth.All suffering is caused by the disorganisation of the natural laws of God, and itautomatically brought about by wrong thinking, and by lopping off from the human treethe branches of spirituality.When man has readjusted himself to the laws, there will be nomore war and no more suffering, and this will take place when his vibrations have reachedto apex of evolution.The master helps the pupil when his sums, but it is the pupil whomust do the actual addition, otherwise he would not progress.There are so many who arein the lowest standard, and they would not believe though one rose from the dead.We arehere mainly to help those in the higher standards, though we are willing to do what we canfor the babes.We cannot force them; they must work out their own salvation.Matter is only illusion, and man has sought the illusion so long that he has becomespiritually bankrupt.A while ago I was sent to the astral to meet a very wealthy man whohad passed on.He had neglected to help his poorer brethren, and he came over with a greatlove of luxury.He said:  Where are you taking me? I replied that I was conducting him tohis spiritual home.As last we reached a little shanty with no windows, and only the barewalls. where is my mansion, and were are my servants? he asked. This is all thematerial you have sent over, my son, I replied.Fred has a wonderful home over here, and he was not a  young soul when he came.Since than he has added much to the house and gardens.His home is all windows facing east,and in the garden he has his animals, and they are free to roam as they like.We move merely by an effort of will, but to reach your earth, we must adjust ourvibrations.The scientists over here helped to bring my body down from the highvibrations of our spheres to those of your world, which is surrounded by heavy grey mists.The difficulty we sometimes experience in giving names is due to the difference in the rateof vibrations, and when I use my medium s body, I have to tune my vibrations to hers.One day she brought me a man who had tried, without success, for fourteen years to get intouch with his brother who had passed over.I told him that it was useless, as his brotherwas asleep and had been sleeping ever since he came over, because he believed that hemust sleep until the day of judgment, and we could not wake him. Notes: In typing out this text I have kept to the original punctuation and spelling.The firstpublication of this book was in 1941 and the copy this is taken from was published in1951.If this copy, so freely available, infringes some copyright I will remove it, however, thosewho are working for spirit, as I am, know that this text should be available everywhere.Who can put a copyright on the word of Spirit, if that is what it is! The main author isreputed to be  The Soldier and I don t expect he is interested in any income for hiswritings.The message of Spirit is for the world not just a few people [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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