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." He flicked his tongue over my sensitized skin.A small shiver ran up my spine.Oh, boy.* * * *The rest of the dinner passed without incident.I managed not to choke on my food while refraining from bruising his shin at the same time.For his part, Meat kept the flirting to a tolerable level.I didn't put bets on his extraordinary behavior continuing once we left the public place and entered the close confines of his car.We slid into his Jaguar, the leather seats chilly in the night air.I buckled my seatbelt, as he started the engine."Now what do you want to do?""I don't know.What do you want to do?" I glanced in his direction.He grinned widely and waggled his eyebrows.Rolling my eyes, I snorted."Oh, no.I only promised dinner.That's it.Dinner."His chuckle sounded loudly across the interior of the car."Doesn't mean I can't ask or you can't expand that promise."Muttering to myself, I peered out the side window.His right hand found a place to rest just above my knee.Looking down, I debated on what to say and do next.He drove with one hand, easily navigating other cars and barriers."So, what else do you want to do?" I tried to fill in the silence with more conversation."I think dessert is in order." He shot me a grin before returning his attention to the road."Dessert?""Oh, yeah.Dessert." His sultry voice sent my stomach in a slow, delicious flip.Perplexed, I watched his face."Does this involve chocolate and something sweet?"He laughed once more.Stopping at a traffic light, he squeezed my knee.One eyebrow lifted as his dimple popped out into full view."Mmmmm." He literally groaned."Now that's an idea."My belly fluttered at the declaration.I could have sworn the windows began to steam just from his saucy innuendos and outright seduction.The farther away from the city we drove, the more nervous I became.Every time I asked where we were going, he answered, "Wait and see."Isn't this how poor unfortunate women find out their dates and lovers are serial killers? They go out to eat, then he drives them off to the boonies to do away with them? I wondered how close we were to a river.Maybe he considered just tossing me in, convenient and easy way to hide the evidence.Fish food.I really don't want to be fish food.Ick."I can poof," I muttered to myself, hoping to boost my confidence in escape options if he parked anywhere near a water feature.He chuckled, patting my thigh with familiarity."Yes, and by the way, you suck at it." Those deep blue eyes danced with mirth."Gee thanks." My bottom lip pooched out of its own accord."Anytime." He shook his head, sending long nearly black strands of hair in motion for a brief moment.He slowed the car, turning into a gravel laden driveway surrounded by large trees.A lazy curve revealed a moderate sized log cabin, positioned in the center of another immense grove of old, overshadowing trees.My heart picked up speed as he pushed a remote, sending the garage door into an opening motion.I clenched my fingers together, hoping to hide my increasing anxiety.Once he pulled in the garage, parked, and set the garage door back down, his full attention turned to me.Glancing at my face, he smiled reassuringly."Come on.""Where… where are we going?"Perhaps this served as an opportune moment to mention I wasn't ready to meet and greet the Meat yet? And how does one put that sentiment into words? Thanks for the dinner, but I'm not interested in playing 'paint the Shy with chocolate and commence licking'.Hmmm.Don't want to give him unnecessary ideas.Too complicated.How about: you and me, no swapping of body fluids tonight.Comprehende? Maybe a bit too street slang.The door to my side opened and one of his hands appeared.Automatically, I grasped it, letting him pull me out of my seat and into the garage.He stood ready to lead me into the house and I still hadn't thought of a good line yet.He tugged.I followed along through the door and into what appeared to be a kitchen built for a professional chef.It easily doubled the size of my kitchen back home.A large island stood in the center.Cooking pans and specialty items hung from just overhead.Natural rock, dark brown in color, served as the flooring."Wow."He turned and smiled back at me."You like?"I nodded as I scanned the room."Very nice.Amazing."He dropped my hand, heading to the stainless steel fridge."One scoop or two?" he asked, opening the freezer side."Huh?" I pulled my attention from the breakfast nook off to the side."One scoop or two?" He pulled a container of ice cream from the freezer, shut the door, and opened the fridge.Seeing what he had in his hand, I smiled and relaxed for the first time since we'd left the restaurant."One would be fine." I glanced around."Where are the bowls?"He pointed to a nearby cupboard."Bottom shelf [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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