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.Then, pulling away from me as quickly as he moved in, he takes hold of my hand.I walk with him into the Restaurant in a complete daze, my nose still tingling from his kiss.As we walk up to the bar Tristan’s face lights up.“What?” I chuckle squeezing his hand slightly.“They have Timothy Taylor.” He beams.“Who?” I ask none the wiser.“It’s a beer,” he chuckles slightly.“My favourite,” he adds.Well what d’ya know, I definitely took him for a wine swisher.“You drink beer?” I choke.“I definitely took you for a wino,” I blurt without thinking about it – Oops!“A what?” he chuckles.I look away and bite my lip feeling embarrassed that I said that out loud.Tristan puts his forefinger under my chin and raises it so I have to make eye contact with him.“Don’t hang your head feeling guilty for being you Coral, I thought that was funny.” He lets go of my chin and I make myself blink so I stop staring at him.“Although I have no idea what it means, but I can pretty much guess,” he adds.I smile weakly at him.“What would you like to drink Coral?” Such a gentleman!I shake my head feeling unsure.“Give me a minute,” I answer, wondering whether I should have coffee to wake me up, or water to rehydrate me.“I like this place,” he says looking around him.It’s all cream walls, with wooden chairs and tables covered in white linen cloths and has an up-market feel about it.And the place is spotlessly clean, which is always impressive when you’re about to eat somewhere.“Gladys bought me here for my 30th” I explain.“Yeah.did you have a good time?” he asks sweetly.“Yes, it was great and the food was really’ - Tristan suddenly moves closer to me, instantly silencing me and kisses me so softly on the cheek that I feel as though I’m about to pass out.All the bones in my body feel like they have liquefied.I have stopped breathing and my heart has stopped beating.“What was that for?” I ask breathlessly, trying to tear my gaze away from him.“Does there need to be a reason?” he replies.I look away from him, it’s no good I’m going to have to give him the low-down, tell him I’m not good for him.tell him to find someone else.Tristan orders his pint of beer.The barman pours it and hands it to him.“Here try this.” He holds his pint up in front me.I shake my head, it smells funny.“Have you ever tried it?” he questions.“No.” I grumble crossing my arms defiantly.Knowing full well I don’t touch alcohol the day after a heavy night.“Well how can you say you don’t like something, if you’ve never tried it?” he admonishes.I sigh heavily.I’m too hung-over for the argument.I take the pint off him and tentatively take a sip – Uh-oh!“That’s tasty.” I exclaim, handing it back to him and wondering if hair of the dog will actually make me feel a little better.“Would you like one?” he asks amusingly.I can’t.I have George tonight, I’ll need a clear head – hopefully I’ll have one by then.“I can't.” I tell him quietly.“Why?” He looks confused.“Because I have.” I stop, wondering to myself if I should tell him, then I change my mind.“What is it Coral?” He’s intense again.“I have an appointment tonight.” I remind him.“So you can't drink?” He clarifies.“No.” I whisper.“No alcohol?” I shake my head.“What would you like?”“A large glass of water with lots of lemon please.” I reply.“Still?” he questions.“Yes please.” I smile tentatively.Tristan places my order and hands my glass to me, we are asked if we are eating and when we say we are, we are told to help ourselves to whatever table we want.Tristan leads us to a table by a large window overlooking a beautiful garden.“This ok?” he asks.I nod in agreement.As I side step to my seat, Tristan is instantly there pulling it out for me.Why does this suddenly feel like a date? I sit down, then I watch him walk around the table, remove his jacket and sling it over the back of his chair, then he sits down.I place my bag on the floor and pick up a menu, my stomach rumbling at me.Tristan takes a couple of long gulps of his beer and picks up his menu.I decide it’s probably best to get it out of the way now, what I want to say to him, before I eat.Taking three long gulps of water, I mentally prepare myself.“Tristan, I have something I need to say to you.”“And I to you,” he adds, this stuns me into silence.“But by all means continue,” he smiles coyly.“Ladies before gentleman,” he adds.He looks down at his menu again.But I think he can tell I’m staring at him, waiting for him to look at me, when he does, he instantly places his menu down and leans back in his chair, giving me his full attention [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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