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. Oh& Dylan& hi, baby. Her voice was feathery, the only real physical giveawayin her that she was ill.She reached out and took Dylan s gloved hand in aPage 191 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmltight hold. How was the trip, sweetheart? When did you get back?Shit.That s right she d supposedly extended her stay in Europe.It seemedlike a year had passed in the few days she d been with Rio. Um, I just came home a little while ago, Dylan answered, a partial lie.She took a seat on the edge of the thin hospital room mattress, her handstill caught in her mother s clutching grasp. I got a little concerned when you changed your plans so abruptly.Youre-mail that you were staying a bit longer by yourself was so short andcryptic.Why didn t you call me? I m sorry, Dylan said.The lie she had to keep hurt even worse knowingthat she d made her mom worry. I would have called you if I could have.Oh,Mom& I m sorry you don t feel well. I feel all right.Better, now that you re here. Sharon s gaze was steady,level with a calm resolve. But I m dying, baby.You do understand that, don tyou? Don t say that. Dylan squeezed her mom s hand, then brought the coolfingers up to her lips and kissed them. You ll get through this, just likeyou did before.You re going to be fine.The silence the tender indulgence was a palpable force in the room.Hermother wasn t going to push the subject, but it was there, like a ghostlurking in the corner. Well, let s talk about you instead.I want to hear all about what you vebeen doing, where you ve been& tell me about everything you ve seen while youwere gone.Dylan glanced down, unable to hold her mother s eyes if she couldn t tellher the truth.And she couldn t tell her the truth.Most of it would bePage 192 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlunbelievable anyway, especially the part where Dylan confessed that she fearedshe was developing feelings for a dangerous, secretive man.A vampire forcrissake.It sounded crazy just to think the words. Tell me more about that demon s lair story you re working on, baby.Thosepictures you sent me were really something.When is your story going to run? There is no story, Mom. Dylan shook her head.She was sorry she evermentioned it to her mother or to anyone, for that matter. Turns out that cavewas just a cave, she said, hoping to convince her. Nothing strange aboutit.Sharon looked skeptical. Really? But that tomb you found and the incrediblemarkings on the walls.What was all of that doing in there? It must have meantsomething. Just a tomb.Probably a very old, tribal burial chamber of some kind. And the picture you took of that man  A vagrant, that s all, Dylan lied, hating every syllable that passed herlips. The pictures made everything seem more important than it was.But thereis no story, not even one suitable for a rag like Coleman Hogg s paper.Infact, he let me go. What? He didn t!Dylan shrugged. Yeah, he did.And it s fine, really.I ll find somethingelse. Well, that s his loss.You were too good for that place, anyway.If it sany consolation, I thought you did a great job on that story.Mr.Fassothought so too.In fact, he mentioned he had contacts with some big newsoutlets in the city.He could probably find you something if I asked him tolook into it.Oh, shit.A job interview was the last thing she needed to worry about.Notwhen the rest of what she d just heard had put a knot of dread in her throat. Mom you didn t tell him about that story, did you?Page 193 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html You re darn right I did.I showed off your pictures too.I m sorry, but Ican t help bragging about you.You re my little star. Who did you& Ah, God, Mom, please tell me you didn t talk about it with alot of people& did you?Sharon patted her hand. Don t be so shy.You re very talented, Dylan, andyou should be working on bigger, more hard-hitting stories.Mr.Fasso agreeswith me.Gordon and I talked all about you on the river cruise a couple ofnights ago.Dylan s stomach was clenched over the thought of more people being privy towhat she d seen in that cave, but she couldn t help noticing the little glintof joy in her mother s eyes when she mentioned the man who founded the runawayshelter. So, you re on a first-name basis with Mr.Fasso now, are you?Sharon giggled, a sound so youthful and impish that Dylan forgot for amoment that she was sitting beside her mom in a hospital room in the cancerward. He s very handsome, Dylan.And utterly charming.I d always thought himto be so aloof, almost chilly, but he s actually a very intriguing man.Dylan smiled. You like him. I do, her mother confessed. Just my luck I should find a realgentleman who knows, maybe my true prince? when it s too late for me to fallin love.Dylan shook her head, hating to hear that kind of talk from her. It s nevertoo late, Mom.You re still young.You have a lot of living left to do.Shadows crossed her mother s eyes as she looked up at Dylan from her reclineon the bed. You ve always made me so very proud.You know that, don t you,baby?Dylan nodded, throat constricted. Yeah, I know.I could always count onyou, Mom.You were the only one in my life that I could count on.Still are.Two musketeers, right?Page 194 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlSharon smiled at the mention of their long-running reference to themselves,but there were tears glistening in her eyes. I want you to be all right,Dylan.With this, I mean.With my leaving you soon& with the fact that I mgoing to die. Mom  Hear me out, please.I worry about you, sweetheart.I don t want you to bealone.Dylan wiped at a hot tear that ran down the side of her face. You shouldn tbe thinking about me now.Just focus on you, on getting better.You need tothink positively.The biopsy might not  Dylan.Stop, and listen to me. Her mother sat up, a stubborn look thatDylan recognized very well coming over her pretty but fatigued features. Thecancer is back, worse than before.I know it.I feel it.And I ve come toterms with it.I need to know that you will be able to come to terms with thistoo.Dylan looked down at their clasped hands, hers masked in yellow latex, hermother s nearly translucent, the bones and tendons stark beneath the cool,too-pale skin. How long have you been looking after me, baby? And I don t mean just sinceI ve been sick.From the time you were a little girl, you were always worryingabout me and trying your best to take care of me.Dylan shook her head. We look out for each other.That s how it s alwaysbeen Gentle fingers came up under her chin, lifting her gaze. You re my child.I ve lived for you, and for your brothers too, but you were always myconstant.You shouldn t have had to live for me, Dylan.You shouldn t have hadto be the adult in this relationship.You should have someone to take care ofyou. I can take care of myself, she murmured, not very convincingly when thetears were streaming down her cheeks now.Page 195 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Yes, you can [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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